Exchange money online. Here's how it works.

Best exchange rates.
Up to 84% cheaper.
Benefit from the best exchange rates in Switzerland. Fixable. Simple. Secure.
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Already thousands of SMEs
- also for international transfers - and to hedge against currency fluctuations.
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Current forecasts
for exchange rates.
Your valuable assessment of the exchange rate development forecast for EUR/CHF and USD/CHF.
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Save money.
We enable you to exchange currencies on the same terms as major companies. That means the exchange rate you get is much better than the current bank exchange rate.
You save up to CHF compared with the current bank exchange rate .
So easy. So quick.

1. Fix the exchange rate.
Register free of charge, enter the amount and currency, and the exchange rate will be fixed immediately. That means you know at once exactly how much you will receive in the other currency.

2. Transfer the amount to us.
Transfer the amount to be exchanged to us via online banking.

3. Immediate payment.
We exchange your money at the rate already fixed and transfer it to your account (e.g. your euro account) or to any account worldwide. Your money will be on the account within a few hours.
The original.
Our family business has been a reliable partner for thousands of SMEs since 1999 – as a specialist for foreign exchange in Switzerland and for international payments. Benefit from our experience. We will be happy to advise you free of charge.
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